Still Life – Translation by David Lauer

The good thing about all of this
is that now that whales are gone
(not to mention bears or dolphins)
nothing can stop us from inventing
new whales more to our liking
out of our memory
with deeper calls. Audible
from the beaches
(beautiful: fish and whales jumping
over the Himalayas).

Because while these words scroll forward,
so does the desert
a perfect place for recollection,
vision and mirage.
Because somewhere in the world, at this very moment
trees are falling
and their branches resound, at this very moment.
The trees fall
(while the sitting president
repeats the words in his sleep: democracy
liberty, progress).

The good thing about all this
Is that once the jungles are gone
nothing can stop us from dreaming
up another jungle that is denser,
and much, much taller.

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